This was a side dish that I threw together last night. My husband had just been at a big martial-arts practice and I knew that he would be craving carbohydrates. I also had some collard greens that had been hanging around too long and needed to be used up. I decided that they could be easily combined and I was right. The key to this dish is the onions, believe it or not. Cooking them over a low-ish heat for a good while really helps to bring out their flavor.
Barley with Collards and Raisins (serves 4; approx. $1.29/serving)
1 cup hulled barley
3 cups water
1 bunch collard greens, shredded
2 onions, thinly sliced
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 1/2 cups raisins, plumped
- Medium saucepan with glass lid
- Saute pan
- Bring the water to a boil in the saucepan.
- Add the barley, cover and reduce heat. Simmer until all of the liquid is absorbed.
- Meanwhile, heat the oil over low to medium-low heat.
- Add the onions and cook until deep golden.
- Add the collards and let them wilt slowly.
- Drain the raisins and add them to the pan.
- Combine the barley and the collard mixture in the serving bowl and serve.